The 10th Thailand International Kite Festival “Coloring the Sky”
Date : 8 - 9 March, 2008
Venue : Rama VI camp, Cha am , Phetchaburi

1. Thai Kites form 4 Regions, Kites from Rattanakosin Era
2. Chula and Pak - Pao Kites competition, The World Largest Chula Kite Show
3. Fast Kite Flying and exhibition workshop International Kite Show
4. Kite Show from more 16 countries with Giant 3D flying : Maple Kite train, Sexy Legs Kite, Giant Gecko Kite, Giant Octopus Kite, Free Willy Whale Kite, Smiling Sun Kite, Teddy Bear Kite, Mermaid Kite, Banner Art Kite etc.
5. Night Kite Show
6. Stunt Kite Show, Activities and Workshop
7. THEOS Satellite Kite, Tetrahedron Kite Show, Science for Kids Activities by Geo - Information and Space Technology Development Agency (public Organization) (GISTDA)
8. Kite Stall Contest, Arts Activities, Kite Workshop, etc.
9. Parachuting Show
10. Remote-controlled Small Airplane show
11. Balloon Show
12. Visit the summer seaside palace of H.M. the King Rama VI
13. OTOP Fair, Food Fair
14. Safe Energy Global Warming Caravan

Friday 7 th March, 2008
16.00 - 17.00 hrs. Kite Show for Press
Saturday 8 th March, 2008
07.00 hrs. Start the Caravan (BKK - Cha am)
10.00 hrs. Open Ceremony
10.00 - 11.00 hrs. Parachuting Show
11.00 - 18.30 hrs. International Kite Show, Stunt Kite Show with Music, Fast Kite Show, Thai Kite Show and Chula, Pak - Pao Show,Activities by Geo - I nformation and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA),Exhibition etc.
18.30 - 20.30 hrs. Night Kite Show, Balloon Show
Sunday 9 th March, 2008
10.00 - 11.00 hrs. Parachuting Show
11.00 - 18.30 hrs. International Kite Show, Stunt Kite Show with Music, Fast Kite Show, Thai Kite Show and Chula, Pak - Pao Show,Activities by Geo - I nformation and SpaceTechnology Development Agency (GISTDA),Exhibition etc.
18.30 - 20.30 hrs. Night Kite Show, Balloon Show